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When Östhammarshem came to us, they had a website built on Umbraco that had completely crashed and showed error messages.
We quickly listened to Östhammarshem's needs (the website was to be connected to the marketing system Momentum, there were extremely high demands on reliability and accessibility according to WCAG, and service would continue even after production.
There was a graphic profile to be followed and above all - it should be easy to administer. And I think we succeeded again! Of course, we based the website on Easyweb.
Alex "Katten", Developer
I love Östhammarshem!
Robert Edvardsson
Fredrik Elneus
Byråchef, fredrik@sphinxly.se
Erika Forslöv , Communications Officer at Östhammarshem
Jenny - WOW 👏
This is exactly what makes it a pleasure to work with you - a direct, and accurate, interpretation and visualization of a feeling. Incredibly well done!