Automatiserad översättning av webbcontent med AI
Att översätta webben med AI är 98% snabbare*
Funktionen är integrerad i webbplatsens CMS/backend - vilket gör det naturligt, enkelt och snabbt att använda för marknadschefen, VDn eller assistenten - utan att riskera att något går sönder eller blir fel. Tonläget på översättningen matchar ursprungstexten, och modellen kan även "tränas" och justeras.
Hur funkar det?
✅ Med bara ett klick kan en ny lokalisering eller språkversion av en webbplats skapas, oavsett hur komplex (eller enkel) struktur den underliggande webbplatsen har. Vår byrå bygger skräddarsydda webblösningar - så det var avgörande med en hög nivå av skalbarhet och flexibilitet - (dvs det funkar för alla typer av webblösningar; shop, intranät, tjänst, eller "vanlig" hemsida).
✅ Innehållsfälten kan såklart även redigeras manuellt för att säkerställa korrekt kommunikation och undvika AI-fel, och som extra bonus: sidorna kan hållas uppdaterade automatiskt när en ändring sker på "huvudspråket".
✅ När besökaren byter språk så är besökaren självklart kvar på rätt sida - utan avbrott. Det betyder att besökaren kan fortsätta kundresan där den är - på rätt språk - utan att försvinna i cyberspace. (Varje sekund räknas i attention-ekonomin).
Blir det bra?
Ja - i och med att översättningen baseras på en ursprungstext som ni internt eller via copy (såklart) tagit fram, läst igenom, korrigerat och hittat rätt tonläge i - så följer samma tonalitet, ordval och innebörd vidare genom översättningen med generativ AI.
Gällande SEO så får varje lokalisering sin egna URL, metainformation och möjlighet till optimering - trots att det administrativt ligger i samma "sida" - dvs fördel synlighet!
Vad innebär detta?
✅ Detta innebär att du kan lokalisera (och hålla synkade) er webbplats, era landningssidor, shop, produktkatalog eller digitala tjänst utan ett omfattande tekniskt arbete vid varje ny språketablering. Du slipper att olika språksiter hamnar ur synk - och du slipper manuella översättningar och korrekturläsningar på språk som kanske inte är ditt modersmål. Dessutom kan du snabbt etablera dig på flera marknader samtidigt, genomföra marknadstester och hantera en internationell webbnärvaro från ett och samma konto, på ett och samma ställe.
Det är med andra ord en otroligt tidsbesparande och kraftfull lösning som sätter dig i framkant av konkurrensen just nu. (Spar tid, pengar + få bättre resultat) 🥂
Hur/när kan jag få tillgång?
Funktionen har rullats ut till våra existerande kunder under våren och hösten 2024. Är du nyfiken? Fyll i formuläret så bokar vi in ett snabbt digi-möte och ser om vi kan hjälpa er:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sphinxly samarbetar med och har tidigare hjälpt företag som: Pizza Hut, Lannebo Fonder, Synsam, Lundbergs Möbler, ImagineCare, Centerpartiet, NIX-registret, PION Group, Spiltan / Spiltan Fonder, Evolution, ExTe, Regeringskansliet, Östhammarshem, PBM + 100-tals fler verksamheter inom både B2B och B2C - att lyckas digitalt och på webben. Vi har driftsgaranti, prestandagaranti, designgaranti och trygghetsgaranti. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
ICO-27001-certifierad drift, redundans, backup och svensk support.
Mer om Sphinxly...
Jan Bengtsson, VD/CEO at PION Group
We hired Sphinxly in connection with the establishment of PION Group, an HR-Tech group whose website's purpose is to communicate regulatory IR-related information and the group's overall strategy, vision, and business idea, along with integration with Cision for press information. Sphinxly has efficiently and quickly produced a result that lives up to the high expectations we had initially, and thanks to the innovative technology platform, it is extremely easy to work with!
Inga-Lill Carlberg, Partner & COO at Trill Impact
Thank you Sphinxly for an excellent job developing Trill Impact's new website. We would like to particularly highlight the professional and service-oriented attitude of the team that we worked with during the development phase. You have been creative and created a web design that suits us while being responsive to our wishes and requirements during the development work. This has been a comprehensive project that you have helped us put in place, thank you again.
Annette Tannerfeldt, CEO at Nix
NIX Telephone and NIX Council aim to better reach young consumers. Therefore, we needed to adapt our appearance and tone of voice to succeed. Sphinxly was entrusted with the task of delivering new websites based on our new profile, and we must say that we are impressed with their ability to deliver high-quality results on time and within budget. We feel that Sphinxly has always been responsive and adapted to our needs and wishes, utilizing their technology in the best way for us to achieve our goals. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Sphinxly!
Anna Svahn, CEO & Portfolio manager at Antiloop
We are extremely satisfied with Sphinxly web agency, everything from ideation meeting to follow-up with design and then the finished site has worked smoothly and we are very happy with the end result.
PH Magnusson, Founder of SnigelDesign AB
At SnigelDesign, we chose Sphinxly as our partner in the development and operation of our new website and webshop - a decision we are thrilled about! Not only are they quick to respond to our questions, but they also handle all arising issues efficiently and without complications. Sphinxly has brilliantly managed to realize all the changes we have desired throughout the project. I give my warmest recommendations to Sphinxly as your future web provider.
Jamie Harris, Marketing Manager at Wasa Ecotextil
Sphinxly successfully highlighted our messages about sustainable textile products in a stylish and clear way, and delivered a complex B2B webshop solution integrated with GARP that allows our customers to easily shop our entire range in multiple markets. Really well done!
Erika Forslöv, Communicator at Östhammarshem
So Jenny - WOW 👏
This is exactly what makes it a pleasure to work with you - a direct, and accurate, interpretation and visualization of a feeling. Incredibly well done!
Cecilia Meller, CMO at Self-monitoring
Thank you Sphinxly for not just one, but two gorgeous websites! Fun to work with such a talented team and to get new sites that are as professional as they are easy to continue working with. We are very satisfied!
Henrik Stadler, Partner at XEC
Thank you very much for a great collaboration from you and the team, and for contributing to something that really stands out in our industry!
Stefan Lundberg, VD at Lundbergs Möbler
The development of our new website has been a rewarding collaboration with Sphinxly, resulting in a product catalog that is both user-friendly and represents our company very well.
Fredrik Anjou, CEO at PharmaRelations
Sphinxly is a web agency that really understands our journey and vision. By listening to our needs and wishes, Sphinxly has delivered a well-thought-out and stylish website that lives up to our high expectations. We have had the pleasure of working with Sphinxly since 2016, and most recently in 2023, a major improvement of UX, flows, and structure was carried out. We can highly recommend Sphinxly to companies looking for an agency that can combine design, technology, and long-term value creation in the best possible way.
We use Easyweb as a technical base for our various websites and in a tailor-made candidate tool. Since large and important business deals depend on everything working flawlessly, it is crucial that the technology is reliable and fast, and in this case, Easyweb has truly delivered.
Peter Tillberg, Director at CSMS
Professional, fast and always a pleasant encounter. That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of my contacts with Sphinxly. The Easyweb platform is both stylish and easy for me as a user to handle. Updates to the CSMS website can easily be made from a mobile phone, tablet or computer. And if I still need help with something, Sphinxly's support is excellent. Always quick to find a solution and happy to help. It feels safe for me as a customer. 5 stars!
Jani P Sallinen, SvD, ledamot i FGJ
We have heard from visitors to our new sites that they are appreciated. It naturally pleases us that FGJ has gained a new face on the web and that our members and visitors to Grä and have more easily accessible sites.
Marcus Bandling, Founder & CEO at Marban
Now we have our new awesome website up and running. A big thank you to Sphinxly AB | Digital agency in Stockholm for putting all the pieces together.
Linus Werner, Regional Director at M3CS
Sphinxly revolutionized our old website into something amazing. From our first meeting to the launch, the collaboration has been excellent. We are more than satisfied with the end result.